Boost your energy & fat-burning metabolism with keto

Have you ever wondered if there’s a way to feel more energized, maintain a healthy weight, and protect yourself against lifestyle-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart failure?

Why start with keto?

Does it feel like you’ve tried every diet out there, only to end up weighing more than you did when you started your diet?

Do you often feel tired or bloated after a meal, with strong cravings for sweet snacks?

You won’t find the solution by counting calories, eating less or over-exercising.

“What cán I do then?”, you must be thinking. The answer will probably surprise you.

The most efficient way to increase your energy and burn fat for fuel… is to eat more healthy fats!

You basically turn your body into a natural fat burner.

Keto and the low carb lifestyle will help you to switch from sugar-burning to fat-burning.

The idea of keto is simple. If you limit your carbohydrate intake and get most of your calories from healthy fats, your body will switch to burning fat for fuel instead of glucose (sugar). This puts your body into a state of ‘ketosis’, meaning your liver produces ketones for energy.

Your most important source of fuel will no longer come from refined carbohydrates (such as white bread, white rice, wheat pasta, white potatoes, soda pop, cookies) but from an abundance of vegetables, quality protein, and healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, real butter, nuts and seeds, free-range eggs, wild-caught fish, and poultry.

This way of eating might seem ‘extreme’ but it’s basically the way our ancestors have been eating for thousands of years before the rise of industrial agriculture.

By replacing sugar and refined carbohydrates by more vegetables, slow carbohydrates (like beetroot, parsnip, sweet potato, berries…) and enough healthy fats, you’ll be able to keep your blood sugar level stable and most importantly, keep your insulin levels low. This way, your cravings for sweet snacks will eventually completely disappear.

Healthy plant-based fats can be found in olives and extra virgin olive oil, coconut and extra virgin coconut oil, MCT oil, nuts and seeds, and avocado.

Healthy animal-based fats include organic grass-fed butter, organic free-range eggs, krill oil, organic free-range poultry and small fatty fish such as sardines and anchovies.

Think of keto as a short-term reset to help your body to switch from sugar-burning to fat-burning. Doctors and dieticians often prescribe this for health reasons (for example to treat and reverse type 2 diabetes, to increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment, to control seizures in people with epilepsy) or to lose a lot of weight in the short term.

Would you like to maintain your good results in the long term, after keto?

I show you exactly how in our Food Freedom video program.

You will discover how to create long-lasting healthy habits that are easy to maintain and easy to combine with a busy schedule, a family to cook for, and a buzzing social life.

You’ll also discover what your personal body type and carbohydrate tolerance are, and how these affect your energy, digestion, and weight. This way, you’ll know which foods work best for your body so you can feel more energized, strengthen your immune system, and maintain a healthy weight without falling back into unhealthy habits or jo-jo dieting.


Go Keto

Wat als er een manier bestond om elke dag te genieten als een god in Frankrijk en tóch een gezond gewicht te behouden zonder dat je een ijzersterke wilskracht nodig hebt om op ‘het goede pad’ te blijven?


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What are the benefits of Keto?

What are the benefits of Keto and the low carb lifestyle?

A healthy balanced low carb lifestyle has a lot of benefits, including:

  • Natural weight loss and maintenance, based on your personal body type
  • Fewer cravings for sugar and snacks
  • More energy
  • Reduced appetite
  • Improved digestion and flatter belly
  • More inner peace and a stable mood
  • Healthier gut flora and better absorption of vitamins and minerals
  • Softer skin and stronger nails
  • Increased protection against diabetes type 2 thanks to a more stable blood sugar level
  • Stronger immune system
  • Lower inflammation levels

Are there ways to get into ketosis quicker?

Do you feel like having a glass of wine, a plate of French fries or a piece of freshly baked bread?

Take the time to enjoy each bite, without feeling guilty afterwards. It’s best not to think of food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. You can pick up where you left at the next meal.

If you take the time to consciously savor each meal, your digestion will improve, your body will be better able to absorb the vitamins and minerals, and you will feel more satisfied in general.

There are also several ways to get back into ‘fat-burning mode’, even after a higher carb meal.

Three successful ways to get your body into ketosis quicker include:

  • Pure C8 MCT oil
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Exercise, possibly on an empty stomach

You can read more about it in our books (currently only available in Dutch & partly in French) and Keto Made Easy eBook bundle (available in English).

MCT oil, short for Medium Chain Triglycerides, encourages your body to produce ketones and burn fat for fuel. Our ALL GOOD MCT oil is purely made from coconut.

Instead of slowly passing through your entire digestive system like long-chain fatty acids too, pure C8 MCT oil is quickly sent to your liver where it is almost immediately converted into energy. You can feel this effect within 30 minutes.

There are 4 types of MCT’s based on their length: C6, C8, C10 and C12. The most efficient one to burn fat for fuel is C8 MCT oil.

MCT oil is one of the best fuel sources to boost your brain power, burn fat and reduce your appetite.

Pure C8 MCT oil from coconut will help you to produce more ketones and beat sugar cravings.

It has a neutral flavor so you can add it to any meal. Use it in smoothies and shakes, brain fuel coffee or turmeric latte, chia pudding and other breakfast porridge, sauces and dressings, desserts, and with salads to replace olive oil.

C8 MCT oil also helps to ease into intermittent fasting.


Wat is intermitting fasting?

What is intermitting fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a way of eating where you eat in a certain time window and fast for the remaining time. I personally practice the 16:8 method on days that I don’t exercise or when I’m not in the mood for a big breakfast. This means that I fast for 16 hours, usually from 8pm until noon the next day, and then have my meals (usually two big meals and a snack) within a timespan of 8 hours (12am-8pm).

Fasting is a very effective way to protect you against diabetes and manage your weight since it affects your hormones in a way that reduces blood sugar and improves insulin resistance. It also lowers inflammation and helps your body to detoxify. Intermittent fasting can even stimulate the birth of new brain cells and help you to restore damaged DNA – keeping your body younger for longer.

Intermittent fasting is one of the fastest ways to get into fat-burning mode and help your body to burn fat for fuel.

Mind you: intermittent fasting doesn’t work the same way for women as for men since we have totally different hormonal cycles.

Find out more about it in our Food Freedom video program and in this podcast episode on why intermittent fasting doesn’t always work for everyone (in Dutch).

How can I get started with keto or the low carb lifestyle?

The easiest way to get started if you’re English speaking, is with our Keto Made Easy eBook bundle.

It has our English Start to Keto eBook with 30 vegan & vegetarian low carb recipes (other recipes than in our printed Dutch books Het Keto Plan & Go Keto), with options for flexitarians who eat organic poultry or fish too.

It also contains our English Keto Made Easy Menu Plan eBook with 27 extra recipes, shopping lists and 15 detailed meal plans with the right macros (carbs/fats/protein) to super boost your fat-burning metabolism & energy.

The recipes are free from gluten and grains, all sugars and dairy (recipes with grass-fed butter have alternatives).

You can also have a look at our books (in Dutch + Mon Plan Céto available in French as well).

Our books Keto in 15 Minuten, Keto in 15 Minuten Mediterraan and Low Carb Lekker en Snel all contain easy and quick low carb recipes and a detailed meal plan program to start burning fat for fuel.

Looking for convenient grab ‘n go snacks that are low carb and keto friendly?

Discover our ALL GOOD vegan and low carb product line with keto granola, gluten free seed crackers, vegan energy bars, premium C8 MCT oil and more. All gluten free, dairy free, lactose free, sugar free, vegan and low carb.

Discover our ALL GOOD keto snacks right here.

Want extra guidance to get started with keto or the low carb lifestyle?

The easiest way to get started with extra guidance is to join our Food Freedom video program. You can discover all about it right here:

Currently it is only available in Dutch (Nederlandstalig).

Click here to read other people’s Food Freedom success stories.

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Just leave your name and email at the bottom of this page and make sure to prioritize so you don’t miss our email with your free eBook.

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